Prices (2024-2025)

The total price for the 2024-2025 season includes the annual membership fee plus all match fees. 

Our fees are listed below by category. 

The total amount must be paid by the end of March 2025 and it is preferred that you spread the cost over the year. The OHC year runs from April to March (although the main season for league games is from September onwards). 

Team 2024-2025 Pricing
Ladies team player (full adult member playing in the ladies section) £25 per month over 12 months Total £300 per annum 
Ladies team player (member aged 13 and over in education playing in the ladies section) £15 per month over 12 months Total £180 per annum
Mixed team player (full adult member playing in the mixed section) £17 per month over 12 months Total £204 per annum
Mixed team player (member aged 13 and over in education playing in the mixed section) £13 per month over 12 months Total £156 per annum
Junior team player (child one) £10 per month over 12 months Total £120 per annum
Junior team player  (sibling/s) £5 per month over 12 months Total £60 per annum

*Discounted family memberships are available; please contact the Club Treasurer to discuss this further. 

The important bit

Our bank details are – Account Number: 91556010 | Sort Code: 40-35-26 | Please quote the player’s name and ‘fees’ on the reference section. 

As an inclusive club, Oldham Hockey will consider any periods of hardship, please contact the Club Treasurer, the Club Captain or the Club Secretary to discuss.